I Declare That…

1. My past will not hold me hostage to hurt or shame. Those experiences along with the gift of the present molding me into the woman I will be.
2. I am favored. I am fabulous. I am a child of God.
3. Today is a great day to be great and do great things.
4. I posses in me the qualities needed to be a successful woman today.
5. My thoughts and my heart is filled with positive intentions and I am open to optimistic opportunities.
6. I am capable and able to conquer my challenges. My potential to success is great.
7. Everything that is happening to me in this moment is happening for my good to take me to greatness.
8. Happiness and joy are my choices to make. The blessings God sends me are for me to take.
9. This challenging moment is just a moment and this moment, too, will pass.
10. I am at the starting life of greater things to come.
11. I walk into this day with the confidence to make it an incredible day.
12. Today, I choose happiness.
13. I am full of courage and inner strength.
14. I love my body and I’m grateful for the way it takes me through the day.15. My mind is a bouquet of beautiful thoughts.