Wake Pray Slay
3 swift steps to getting it together
A few days ago I woke up exhausted. You know those mornings where you want to just stay in bed, blow off my morning workout (although I know it would give me some of the energy that I needed) and find an excuse to not go into work (other than, “I don’t want to “) so that I could use a personal day. I groggily walked to the bathroom to wash my face and believe it or not the cliche words: *Wake *Pray *Slay came to mind. Now usually, I will admit, when I chant the wake pray slay mantra, I am in a phenomenal mood feeling favored and fabulous with an extra dash of shimmer in my slay and a whole lot of slay in my stride. But honey not that day. Not that day at all, but 3 little words carried a big meaning that day and was the certain and swift kick in the butt I needed to get myself together.
Here’s how I did it:
After washing my face, I looked up in the mirror and ask myself if I was giving my best to the girl in the mirror. I didn’t want to say no so in that moment I resolved to giving myself a gift – my very best. I had to wake up as in literally open my eyes to the reality that a new day was an opportunity to make a difference. I was not going to let that opportunity pass me by.
Oh taste and SEE that the Lord He is good.
Once I committed myself to having a great day and making the most out of the day, I prayed. I needed to express appreciation for how blessed I am. I slept in a comfortable bed the night before under sheets that were freshly laundered in a bedroom with an AC unit that works. My eyes were open to see the sun rising and my mind alert to embrace the moment. I spent time giving God some praise for just being God and guiding me safely through each day.
I define slay by seizing the moment and crushing it. That is exactly what I needed to do. I needed to walk into the rest of the day, grabbing every opportunity to thrive and crush it.
I needed to Carpe Diem – seize the day, bloom where I’m planted, leave a little sparkle throughout that entire day.
And that’s exactly what I did, except with my workout. I didn’t crush it but I did the 40 minute routine and barely made it through and sometimes that is as good as it will get. More on that in another post.
Wake! Pray! Slay! worked for me and on a day when I least expected it to work and actually needed it the most. May it one day work for you and be the swift reality check you need to get it together when you want to get back in bed.